Posts Tagged ‘camping box plans’

Camping Boxes 2.0 “the next generation”

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Winter is also a good time to consider the set-up for spring camping trips. So the camping boxes are getting an addition with an extra box to incorporate the gas cooker and allow for food storage too.

The ultimate aim is for everything but the tent, tarp, poles and personal gear to be in the boxes. No search or sorting required to get ready each trip.

The lid is the main item for debate at the moment. Do we go for a flip up lid that become the back guard, with hangers for tools and such. Or do we go for a split lid which folds back to act as benches either side? The sketch plan shows both options.

camping box plans

camping box sketch plan

A simple and strong philosophy, (much like me really!) will probably mean the back guard option is the winner.

The finished box will sit on top of the other two, making a useful cooking centre to the camping set-up. The sizes will be identical, so the drawers can be interchangeable.

camping boxes

first set of camping boxes

I might document the construction process this time. I missed in the excitement first time around!
