It’s been ages since my last post, so time for something new.
I’ve had a plan for another gas bottle stove for several years now, but little time to get it started.
Getting the valve out of the gas bottle in order to purge the last of the gas out before cutting into it has proven to be a challenge. I’ve now got the right tools to get the job done.

Tools to remove the valve from the gas bottle. The old mower blade stops the bottle turning when pressure is applied to the wrench lever.

These valves are in tight! A long lever is needed, and something to stop the bottle turning as pressure is applied.
So first hurdle covered. Now on to the fun stuff, cutting and welding.
Whilst working on this small project, the truck brake drums were tested out too.
They’ll make a great stove themselves if the trial set-up is anything to go by.
More soon, I hope!