Archive for the ‘Sustainable Living’ Category

Green Smoothie – or brown?

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Pics as promised of this mornings smoothie in the making.

Why do they call them green smoothies? Ours starts with oranges and apples for juice. We like to peel the oranges with a vegi peeler to just take off the zest. Use whole fruit if you can fit it in the juicer.

orange & apple juice

juice ingredients – apples and oranges

The juice is good just on it’s own if you don’t wont to go further, or are in a hurry, or have run out of spinach!

orange & apple juice

juice ready...

We decided to put berries into this mornings mix. Should be yummy.

mixed frozen berries

mixed frozen berries

Don’t forget to wash the spinach! We used english spinach today. Baby spinach or kale works well too.

english spinach

Washed english spinach

Who knows their colour theory? What does yellow, green and red make when mixed together?

smoothie ingredients

a colourful mix at the moment...

Yes, brown!

green smoothie?

looks ... umm ... yummy?

Tastes great though. Brian adds a raw egg to his portion and blends that in too. This makes it lighter, and fluffy.

smoothie with egg

final result...

A great way to start the day. Quicker than bacon and eggs, and keeps you going longer!
